Monday, January 10, 2011

Howard Kurtz

Wow, Howard Kurtz was erratic even when he had good editors and now at Daily Beast he is verging into total incompetence. His naive whitewash of the Tucson shooting is embarrassing and shameful.

Can he really be stupid enough to write this: "This isn't about a nearly year-old Sarah Palin map; it's about a lone nutjob who doesn't value human life"?

Apparently. The lesson here is clear: inflammatory rhetoric, while poisoning politics for those of use who think of ourselves as rational and stable, can set off the mentally ill, and it is not just the "fault" of the mentally ill. It's like the pathetic shill on TV Sunday who once again proffered the feeble NRA excuse that it's not guns that are responsible since most gun owners are adult. The problem is that a mentally unstable young man, with a documented history of disruption and borderline violence, can get an automatic weapon so easily.

It is not a sign of unity or compassion to bury our heads in the sand like Kurtz would have us do and pretend that, hey, what can you do, there's nutjobs out there? The Pima County sheriff has a much better grasp of what's going on than this useless pundit.

Update: And let's add Peter Beinart, another Daily Beast contributor, whose temporizing pseudoliberalism pretty much destroyed The New Republic to the list of white-washers.

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