Friday, October 12, 2012

Nobel Peace Prize

I need to revive this blog because some things that don't fit in my other blogs just cry out for comment -- like today's announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize for the European Union.

It is an Orwellian decision, equal to giving the award to Kissinger after bombing Cambodia or to Obama before he has a chance to do anything to earn it. Coming just days after Merkel needed 7,000 policemen, tear gas, water cannons and stun grenades to protect her for a six-hour visit in Athens, it is especially ironic. My column on the visit earlier this week included the headline "Euro was supposed to bring peace, not riot police."

It's clear that the Nobel committee often wants the prize to be monitory but in this case it's likely to encourage Merkel and other leaders to persist in their disastrous policy of ruining millions of lives in southern Europe to preserve low unemployment and easy prosperity in northern Europe. The euro has turned the European Union, as Soros has compellingly explained, into an imperial enterprise. And now it has gotten a Good Housekeeping seal of approval.

The role and record of the EU in fostering peace and integration has been historic, but now the ill-advised adoption of a common currency is undoing much of that good work. It is spectacularly bad timing to make the award with the current crew running the show.

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